How to prepare for a recession and the importance of life insurance

October 15, 2021 9:17 am

Hearing the word recession can cause a lot of people to panic and run to the bank to manage their finances. Needless to say, the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of financial fear around the world. That being said, Coronavirus is not the only thing that can cause a recession; a freak accident or something said in the news can instantly start a small wave of negativity.

The main thing to keep in mind is to try and stay calm – don’t panic. Luckily, there are ways to prepare for a recession and to think ahead. It’s best to be ready whenever a recession might come around, and this is why you should invest in IVALIFE’s Life Insurance.  


A recession is when there is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the whole country, continent etc. The recession is measured by the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). The GDP basically indicates the number of goods and services produced or made by an economy. 

In simple terms, a recession is when the economy stops growing and starts declining. When this decline starts becoming a trend, people begin to panic, selling all their assets in order to try get as much money as possible before things hit rock bottom. The Coronavirus pandemic caused a lot of fear, and the pandemic slowed down a lot of industries, causing problems around the globe. Economic growth slowed down due to lockdown and social distancing, causing a lot of businesses that thrive on tourism to shut down. These are all indicators of an upcoming recession. 

How to prepare for a recession?

Preparing for a recession is key in staying calm when trouble hits. No one expected the pandemic to hit and to hit with such great force, and the people who panicked the most were the ones who had not planned for such events. It is difficult to imagine such a global situation, but it can and has happened, and we are still feeling the effects of it today.

Clear off your debt

Debt is a very big issue, especially in a recession. You can’t be trying to save money and live in a frugal manner while you are still paying off debt. Be careful with debt because it can snowball. It is always best to just focus on clearing any money you owe to start saving up. If you have a steady job that wasn’t impacted by the pandemic or a shifting economy, make sure to work on paying off your debt.

Always remember that whatever you do, do not take on more debt, as it is a vicious cycle that is difficult to escape.

Keep your loved ones in mind

Whether you have children, a partner, parents, or friends that depend on you, when a recession hits, you need to keep these people in mind. Some people might depend on your income to live, and if for whatever reason you pass away, your loved ones will lose this income, which might be very hard on them. Life insurance can really be beneficial in this situation.

If you have a business that your family depends on, life insurance can be a form of support that will help you continue if something were to happen to you. Unfortunately, you can never know what will happen in the future. If you pass away, your partner or loved one may need the life insurance money to buy out your shares and manage to keep it running. Make sure to think about all possibilities in the future and how life insurance can help your family and loved ones recover from a tragedy and keep the family business. 

Cut any extra costs

When in a recession, you don’t want to be spending money on things you don’t actually need. This could be many things; anything from an expensive TV to a mobile plan. Anything extra should be completely omitted, as a lot of small expenses will slowly but surely amount to a huge loss, especially if you don’t have money to spend. There is time to spend and time to save up, but a recession is definitely time to keep your finances in check.

Create a financial plan

Creating a financial plan is crucial. In a recession, this will help you know where your money is going, what you are spending a lot of money on, what you can cut out, and where you can save. During a recession, having such a plan will make life easier for you in order to plan the months ahead and be able to visualise where you will be financially in two to three months’ time. 

Having a plan should be one of the first steps you do in order to remain calm and understand fully where your money is coming from, how much you earn, and where it’s going. 

Always keep in mind that time is of the essence here. If you don’t have a financial plan set in place, make sure you set it up as soon as possible. Thinking mid to long-term is the way in which you and your family can defend against any surprises that might come in the future.


You can never know when a recession will hit, but this should not stop you from planning for the future. Think about the people who depend on your income and how prepared you would want to be if a recession had to hit. Think about your family business and what would happen to it if a recession or an untimely tragedy were to strike! Investing in a life insurance plan will help you keep calm while you plan and strategise for the future.

Make sure to check out IVALFE’s life insurance plan to get you started on creating a safer and more secure future. Should anything happen to you, a life insurance plan can benefit the whole family, because it will keep them going and help them find ground until they think about the next steps.